Contact & Opening hours
Opening hours of the city administration,
Stadtinfo and Bürger/innenbüro:
Monday to Friday
08:30 to 12:00
Tuesdays in addition:
14:00 to 18:00 h
City info and citizens' office:
0 74 44 / 95 16-281
0 74 44 / 95 16-283
Address of the City Info and the Citizen's Office:
Krähenbadstr. 2
72275 Alpirsbach
City Council:
0 74 44 / 95 16-0
0 74 44 / 95 16-218
Address of the city administration:
Marktplatz 2
72275 Alpirsbach
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Here you will find the right contact person for each of your concerns:
Epting, Claudia
Gewerbeamt / Ordnungsamt / Standesamt
Hermann, Janine
Stadt-Info / Stadtmarketing / Tourismus
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Maier, Jennifer
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Schneider, Hans-Georg
Building yard
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Wöhrle, Rolf
Maier, Jennifer
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Wöhrle, Rolf
Bühler, Sandra
Department of Public Works
Bühler, Tina
Department of Public Works
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Wössner, Gudrun
Department of Public Works
Wöhrle, Rolf
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Bühler, Tina
Department of Public Works
Wöhrle, Rolf
Responsible is the district office Freudenstadt:
Responsible is the district office Freudenstadt:
Joining for family reasons (to foreigners) - applying for a residence permit
Bader, Marc
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Wöhrle, Rolf
John, Mathias
Youth Department
Overdick-Horn, Petra
Youth Department
Dold, Corinna
City info
Dold, Corinna
City info
Kaltenbach, Maria
Combing / Tax office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Dold, Corinna
City info
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Kaltenbach, Maria
Combing / Tax office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Service number of the family insurance fund:
- 0800 4 5555 30 (free of charge)
- Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Dold, Corinna
City info
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Wössner, Gudrun
Department of Public Works
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Kotsch, Doreen
Combing / Tax office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Kaltenbach, Maria
Combing / Tax office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Bader, Marc
Bühler, Sandra
Department of Public Works
Wöhrle, Rolf
Sandhaas, Jasmin
Alpirsbach forest district (communal and private forest)
Ingo Kellner
0 74 41 / 920 - 35 83
Reinerzau forest district (private forest)
Dominik Schorpp
0 74 41 / 920 - 35 82
Merboth, Kay
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Kaltenbach, Maria
Combing / Tax office
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Schufen, Ute
Registry Office
Sandhaas, Jasmin
Bart, Barbara
Department of Public Works
Schneider, Hans-Georg
Building yard
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Hübner, Stephanie
Einwohnermeldeamt / Passamt / Fundbüro
Dold, Corinna
City info
Epting, Claudia
Gewerbeamt / Ordnungsamt / Standesamt
Weirauch, Victoria
Combing / Asset Accounting
Hermann, Janine
Stadt-Info / Stadtmarketing / Tourismus
Knöpfle, Rolf
Head of the village
Gutmann, Thomas
Head of the village
Guhl, Martin
Head of the village
Hebe, Uwe
Head of the village
Benz, Ellen
Head of the village
Hermann, Janine
Stadt-Info / Stadtmarketing / Tourismus
Dr. Zizelmann, Stefan
City Archive
Hägele, Ulrike
Combing / Treasury
Hermann, Janine
Stadt-Info / Stadtmarketing / Tourismus
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Wössner, Gudrun
Department of Public Works
Epting, Claudia
Gewerbeamt / Ordnungsamt / Standesamt
Hermann, Janine
Stadt-Info / Stadtmarketing / Tourismus
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Wössner, Gudrun
Department of Public Works
Scharoba, Bodo
Wastewater treatment plant
Kaltenbach, Maria
Combing / Tax office
At the old garbage dump in the direction of Aischfeld
Highway 415
72275 Alpirsbach
Opening hours:
Fri. 13.00 - 17.00 hrs
Sat. 09.00 - 12.00 hrs
Anträge zur Herstellung eines Anschlusses an die öffentliche Wasserversorgung sind an das Stadtbauamt zu richten.
Sollten Ihnen Wasserrohrbrüche auffallen, melden Sie diese bitte unverzüglich beim Stadtbauamt oder außerhalb der Dienstzeiten unter folgender Telefonnumer des Wassermeisters: 07444 95 16 370.
Wössner, Gudrun
Department of Public Works
Müller, Rudolf
Department of Public Works
Sickler, Dennis
Leiter Wasserversorgung
Kaltenbach, Maria
Kämmerei / Steueramt
An official electoral roll is kept for each electoral district. Only persons entered on the electoral roll may exercise their right to vote.
The basis for registration in the electoral roll is the municipality's population register. Citizens who have their main residence in the municipality on the 42nd day before the Bundestag election are automatically entered in the electoral roll. The municipality sends out a notification of election no later than three weeks before the election day.
Citizens who move or establish their residence after this deadline are not automatically registered on the electoral roll of the place of residence. They can submit an application for registration on the electoral roll.
Note: Such an application can also be submitted by persons without a residence who usually stay in Germany.
Prerequisites are:
You assume you are eligible to vote in the federal election.
All Germans within the meaning of the Basic Law are entitled to vote who
- are at least 18 years old on election day,
- have had a home in Germany for at least three months or otherwise usually reside in Germany, and
- are not excluded from the right to vote.
Process flow
You may apply for entry on the electoral roll in writing to the competent authority.
It must contain at least the following information and be signed by hand:
- First name and surname
- Date of birth
- Exact address of the person entitled to vote or of the person entitled to vote
- Wording "Application for entry on the electoral roll".
The municipality will then check the conditions of your eligibility to vote. If you appear in person, you will immediately be entered on the electoral roll if the check of the prerequisites was successful.
Note: Persons who are unable to make the application themselves may be assisted by another person. This may be necessary, for example, if the applicant cannot read or is physically impaired. The assisting person must then also sign the application.
Required documents
You must submit the application no later than 21 days before the election.
You can inspect the electoral roll from the 20th to the 16th day before the election on weekdays during the general opening hours of your municipality. If you have not been included in the electoral roll, you can lodge an objection within the inspection period. The objection can be made in writing or in person (on the record). You must enclose evidence with your objection that the electoral roll is obviously incorrect. You will receive the decision on your objection no later than 10 days before the election.
Legal basis
An official electoral roll is kept by the municipality for each electoral district. All citizens who are entitled to vote on election day are entered in this register. Eligible voters who are registered with their main residence in the municipality are automatically entered. The municipality will send you an election notification no later than three weeks before election day.
Note: The election notification is also valid for a possibly necessary new election (= second ballot). This becomes necessary if none of the candidates obtains the required majority in the first ballot.
If you have not received an election notification, you should check with your municipality as soon as possible whether you are registered on the electoral roll. If this is not the case, you can apply for registration.
- You are not registered on the electoral roll of the municipality responsible for you.
- They assume you are eligible to vote in the mayoral election.
Process flow
You can inspect the electoral roll from the 20th to the 16th day before the election on weekdays during the general opening hours of your municipality.
Within this period you can also apply for a correction of the electoral roll in order to be registered. You can do this in writing or in person (for the record) at the municipality.
Your application must contain at least the following information and be signed by hand:
- First name and surname
- Date of birth
- the exact address of the person or persons entitled to vote
- Wording "Application for entry on the electoral roll".
The municipality will then check the conditions of your eligibility to vote again. If registration is possible, you will receive an election notification as soon as possible. You can also apply for a ballot paper. If your application is unsuccessful, you will be notified immediately.
Required documents
Proof that you meet the requirements for the right to vote
You can submit the application no later than 16 days before the election.
The municipality does not automatically enter returnees in the electoral roll. You can find more information in the service"Electoral roll (municipal elections) - applying for registration as a returnee".
Legal basis
You can only exercise your right to vote if you are entered on the electoral roll. An official electoral roll is kept for each electoral district.
The basis for registration on the electoral roll is the municipality's population register. If you have your main residence in a municipality on the 42nd day before the European elections, you will automatically be entered on the electoral roll there. The municipality will notify you by means of a polling card no later than three weeks before polling day.
If you move or establish a new home after this deadline, you will not be automatically entered on the electoral roll for your new place of residence. You can apply to be entered on the electoral roll of your new place of residence or you can apply for a ballot paper at the municipal administration of your old place of residence and cast your vote by postal vote.
Note: Such an application can also be submitted by persons without a residence who usually stay in Germany.
You assume that you are eligible to vote in the European elections.
You are entitled to vote if you
- are German or German nationals within the meaning of Article 116(1) of the Basic Law,
- are at least 18 years old on election day,
- are not excluded from the right to vote and
- for at least three month
- have a dwelling in Germany or are otherwise ordinarily resident in Germany
- have a home or are otherwise habitually resident in the other EU Member States.
Process flow
Apply for registration on the electoral roll in writing.
Your application must be signed by hand and contain at least the following information:
- First names and surname
- Date and place of birth
- your exact address
- Wording "Application for entry on the electoral roll".
The municipality will then check the conditions of your eligibility to vote. If you appear in person, you will immediately be entered on the electoral roll if the check of the prerequisites was successful.
Note: Persons who are unable to make the application themselves may be assisted by another person. This may be necessary, for example, if the applicant cannot read or is physically impaired. The assisting person must then also sign the application.
Required documents
At least 21 days before the election
You can consult the electoral roll from the 20th to the 16th day before the election during the opening hours of your local authority.
If you have not been included in the electoral roll, you can lodge an objection within these five days. You can lodge an objection in writing or in person (on the record). You must enclose evidence with your objection that the electoral roll is obviously incorrect.
You will receive the decision on your appeal no later than 10 days before the election.
Legal basis
An official electoral roll is kept by the municipality for each electoral district. All citizens who are entitled to vote on election day are entered in this register. Eligible voters who are registered with their main residence in the municipality are automatically entered. The municipality will send you an election notification no later than three weeks before election day.
If you have not received an election notification, you should immediately check with your municipality whether you are registered on the electoral roll. If this is not the case, you can apply for registration.
- You are not registered on the electoral roll of the municipality responsible for you.
- You assume you are eligible to vote in the local election.
Process flow
You can inspect the electoral roll from the 20th to the 16th day before the election on weekdays during the general opening hours of your municipality. Within this period, you can also apply for a correction of the electoral roll in order to be registered. You can do this in writing or in person (for the record) at the municipality.
Your application must contain at least the following information and be signed by hand:
- First name and surname
- Date of birth
- the exact address of the person or persons entitled to vote
- Wording "Application for entry on the electoral roll".
The municipality will then check the conditions of your eligibility to vote again. If registration is possible, you will receive an election notification without delay. You can also apply for a ballot paper. If your application is unsuccessful, you will be notified as soon as possible.
Required documents
Proof that you meet the requirements for the right to vote
You can submit the application no later than 16 days before the election.
As a returnee, the municipality does not automatically enter you on the electoral roll. You can find more information in the service"Applying for entry on the electoral roll (municipal elections) as a returnee".
If you move house, you will not automatically be entered on another electoral roll. You can find information on this in the service"Electoral roll (municipal elections) - applying for registration when moving house".
Legal basis
You can only exercise your right to vote if you are entered on the electoral roll. An official electoral roll is kept for each electoral district.
The basis for registration in the electoral roll is the municipality's population register. If you have your main residence in a municipality on the 35th day (cut-off date) before the state election, you will automatically be entered in the electoral roll there. The municipality will notify you by means of an election notification no later than three weeks before election day.
If you have not received an election notification, you should immediately check with your municipality whether you are registered on the electoral roll. If this is not the case, you can apply for registration.
If you move or establish a new home after this deadline, you will not be automatically entered on the electoral roll of your new place of residence. You can apply to be entered on the electoral roll of your new place of residence or you can apply for a ballot paper from the municipality of your old place of residence and cast your vote by postal vote. Such an application can also be made by persons without a residence who usually stay in Baden-Württemberg.
Prerequisite for registration is:
You assume you are eligible to vote in the state election.
You are entitled to vote if you
- are German or German nationals within the meaning of Article 116(1) of the Basic Law,
- are at least 18 years old on election day,
- have had a home in Baden-Württemberg for at least three months or otherwise usually reside there, and
- are not excluded from the right to vote.
Process flow
Apply for registration on the electoral roll in writing.
Your application must be signed by hand and contain at least the following information:
- First name and surname
- Date of birth
- Your exact address (street, house number, postal code, city)
- Wording "Application for entry on the electoral roll".
The municipality will then check the conditions of your eligibility to vote. If you appear in person, you will immediately be entered on the electoral roll if the check of the prerequisites was successful.
Note: Persons who are unable to make the application themselves may be assisted by another person. This may be necessary, for example, if the applicant cannot read or is physically impaired. The assisting person must then also sign the application.
Required documents
You must submit the application no later than 21 days before the election.
You can inspect the electoral roll from the 20th to the 16th day before the election during the opening hours of your municipality. If you have not been included in the electoral roll, you can lodge an objection within these five days. You can lodge an objection in writing or in person (on the record). You must enclose evidence with your objection that the electoral roll is obviously incorrect. You will receive the decision on your objection no later than ten days before the election.
Legal basis

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