Kindergartenleitung: Sabine Müller
Zu unserem Kindergarten gehören viele quicklebendige, fröhliche Kinder mit ihren Familien! Diese Eltern bringen sich auf eine ganz wunderbare und sehr engagierte Art und Weise ein, die dem Wohl der Kinder und der ganzen Einrichtung dient. Und natürlich dürfen auch wir, die Mitarbeiterinnen davon profitieren:
Sabine Müller: Erzieherin, Fachwirtin für Organisation und Führung,Sozialwesen, Gesamtleitung
C. Doll: Erzieherin, Gruppenleitung
F. Lamparter: Erzieherin
E.Heizmann Erziehrin
A. Reutter: Kinderpflegerin
M. Fuhrmann: Erzieherin
G.Jahic: Erzieherin
D.Domiter: Hilfskraft
D.Günther-Winnen: Hilfskraft
You want the best for your child?
So do we!
With respect and consideration, we try to accompany each individual child on a daily basis, taking into account their wishes and needs, their individual stage of development.
At the same time, we see ourselves as advocates for children, i.e. we stand up for their rights and needs in the adult world.
In the team, we constantly discuss what the children in our daycare need; a cooperative approach to each other and openness both internally and externally are prerequisites for this.
We try to make our work as transparent as possible for you. In addition to personal conversations, you have the opportunity to observe our work.
Our detailed conception is ready for you in the day care center.
There is so much more to tell you... so make an appointment with us and come by! We look forward to meeting your child and you!
Until then, kind regards
Your team from the Rötenbach municipal day care centre "Im Schulhaus".