BUND local group 'Oberes Kinzigtal

Mr Hans Gerd Michel

Roter Weg 16
72290 Lossburg

0 74 55 / 24 19


The BUND local group 'Oberes Kinzigtal' is active in Alpirsbach and Loßburg. The local group focuses on amphibian and bird protection, environmental education and the preparation of statements. The activities are coordinated at monthly meetings, which take place in turn in the localities.


register a club

You would like to register your association in the association database on our website or you have questions about this topic?

Then please contact the following persons:

Lenz, Yvonne

Mayor's office

City of Alpirsbach
Marktplatz 2
72275 Alpirsbach

Room 107

0 74 44 / 95 16-201

0 74 44 / 95 16-218


Hermann, Janine

City info / Tourism

City of Alpirsbach
Krähenbadstraße 2
72275 Alpirsbach

Room 4

0 74 44 / 95 16-282

0 74 44 / 95 16-283
