Living a good life
Alpirsbach offers everything you need for a good life. Here you can get an overview of the most important topics of the city in the district of Freudenstadt - from economy, local politics, mobility to municipal facilities.
Opening hours of the city administration,
Stadtinfo and Bürger/innenbüro:
Monday to Friday
08:30 to 12:00
Tuesdays in addition:
14:00 to 18:00 h
City info and citizens' office:
0 74 44 / 95 16-281
0 74 44 / 95 16-283
Address of the City Info and the Citizen's Office:
Krähenbadstr. 2
72275 Alpirsbach
City Council:
0 74 44 / 95 16-0
0 74 44 / 95 16-218
Address of the city administration:
Marktplatz 2
72275 Alpirsbach
Alpirsbach is known as a holiday resort, but has also developed into a commercial location. Our traditional family businesses have long since grown into modern, internationally active companies with several hundred employees.
Local Politics
As a citizen of Alpirsbach, you can get directly involved with us. Your ideas are in demand. If, in addition to the parties, clubs, associations, entrepreneurs, citizens' initiatives and citizens get involved, we can work together and break new ground. You are also welcome to contact the local council members directly, whose names you will find here.
Municipal facilities
Alpirsbach's public enterprises are an important pillar of basic services. The municipal facilities and own undertakings offer a wide range of services - from education to water supply.
Celebrate & Meet
Planning a party? How beautiful! Whether in a large group in our Haus des Gastes, or under the open sky at one of our barbecue areas - in Alpirsbach you will find the right location and an atmospheric mood for every occasion.
Economy & Building
Alpirsbach is known as a holiday resort, but has also developed into a commercial location. Our traditional family businesses have long since grown into modern, internationally active companies with several hundred employees. A look at the business directory is worthwhile.
Mobility & Parking
You can reach Alpirsbach by train, bus or car. You will also find a safe network of cycle paths in our town as well as a well-developed car park near the town centre.
Alpirsbach belongs to the district of Freudenstadt in Baden-Württemberg. The town consists of the main town Alpirsbach and the six districts Ehlenbogen, Reinerzau, Peterzell, Reutin, Römlinsdorf and Rötenbach.
The partnership between Alpirsbach and the French town of Neuville-sur-Saône has existed since 1973. The twin town is located about 15 kilometres north of Lyon and is comparable in size and structure to Alpirsbach.
Fire department
The Alpirsbach fire brigade has about 150 members. These volunteer for the general public and are specialized in fighting dangers such as fire or floods.
Jobs & Career
A career with the town of Alpirsbach? With pleasure! We are always on the lookout for motivated and creative minds who can inspire us with ideas for the future and would like to implement them in a structured manner. We offer flexible working time models and a collegial atmosphere.