The smallest district
The village was first mentioned in the foundation note of the Alpirsbach monastery in 1095/1099. Under the Protestant Alpirsbach monastery office, Ehlenbogen formed the Ehlenbogen staff together with Schömberg and part of 24 farms. With the dissolution of the western district of Alpirsbach in 1810 Ehlenbogen came to the Oberndorf district and with its dissolution in 1938 to the Freudenstadt district. With the municipality and district reform 1972-1974 Ehlenbogen was incorporated into the city of Alpirsbach.
The district of Ehlenbogen lies to the north of the core town in the upper Kinzig valley and extends over a length of approx. 6 km - the village owes its name to the elbow-like course of the upper Kinzig river. The village, which consists of a long row of individual farms and small groups of houses, still shows the high medieval settlement structure very well. The valley area and the lower slopes are covered with meadows; the farmsteads were built flood-protected and almost exclusively on the western side of the valley and in charming contrast to this are the contiguous wooded areas in the middle and upper slopes.
Due to the topographical situation and the location in the landscape protection area, a settlement of industry was not possible. The village is characterized by its agriculture and forestry in the main and sideline business as well as tourism with some commercial settlement. The district is known for the hiking trail "Flößerpfad", which runs through the valley, the gastronomy and the trout farm Lohmühle.
Local authority
Benz, Ellen
Head of the village