Opening hours of the city administration,
Stadtinfo and Bürger/innenbüro:
Monday to Friday
08:30 to 12:00
Tuesdays in addition:
14:00 to 18:00 h
City info and citizens' office:
0 74 44 / 95 16-281
0 74 44 / 95 16-283
Address of the City Info and the Citizen's Office:
Krähenbadstr. 2
72275 Alpirsbach
City Council:
0 74 44 / 95 16-0
0 74 44 / 95 16-218
Address of the city administration:
Marktplatz 2
72275 Alpirsbach
What do I do where? Here you will find the information and contact persons for each of your concerns.
Here you will find an overview of the various organs of the town of Alpirsbach. To get an enlarged view, please click on the following picture.