Statutes and guidelines at a glance

Below you will find the various statutes, guidelines and regulations of the town of Alpirsbach. Statutes are legal norms used in particular by towns, municipalities and districts to regulate their affairs. Since they are, in a sense, laws, they are subject to constitutional and administrative controls.

Waste water statutes

placing of advertising structures

Archive Regulations

Regulations of the town of Alpirsbach for the use of the core time care centre

Regulations for the use of the community centre Peterzell

Satzung über die Benutzung von Obdachlosen- und Flüchtlingsunterkünften

Regulations for the use of the Haus des Gastes

Regulations for the use of the citizens' hall Reutin

Regulations for the use of the sports hall Sulzberg

Regulations for the use of the gymnasium of the primary school

Regulations for the use of the gymnasium of the Sulzberg School

Regulations for the use of the Peterzell gymnasium

Rules for the use of the primary school playground

Operating statutes for wastewater disposal

Operating statutes for the water supply

Honorary order of the city of Alpirsbach

Disposal of excavated soil

Waste Disposal Statutes

Development fee statutes

Fire Department Bylaws

Tourism Contribution Statutes

Cemetery statutes

Cemetery Statutes - Annex Schedule of Fees

Fee schedule meeting place

Scale of fees for the community centre Peterzell

Fee schedule for the citizens' hall in Reutin

Fee schedule for the senior citizens' meeting place Reutin

schedule of fees for schoolrooms

Schedule of fees Haus des Gastes

Schedule of fees Heimbachhaus

Fee schedule town hall Ehlenbogen

Scale of charges for the sports and ski hut Reinerzau

Fee schedule sports hall Sulzberg

Fee schedule gymnasium elementary school

Fee schedule for Peterzell gymnasium

Fee schedule gymnasium Sulzberg

Schedule of fees for the special use of public streets and squares

schedule of fees

Main statute

Statutes for the 1st Amendment of the Main Statutes of the Town of Alpirsbach

Dog tax statutes

Tourist tax statutes

Shop Closing Bylaws


Satzung zur Änderung der Marktsatzung

Homelessness Statute

Keeping sales outlets open

Police regulation

law governing clearing and gritting

Guidelines Youth Community Council

Guidelines on the reimbursement of costs incurred by the volunteer fire brigade

Statutes on the levying of user fees for the childcare facility

Satzung zur Aufhebung der Gutachterausschussgebührensatzung

Satzung über die Entschädigung der ehrenamtlich tätigen Angehörigen der Gemeindefeuerwehr

Statutes on compensation for honorary activities

Statutes on the 1st Amendment of the Statutes on Compensation for Voluntary Work

Statutes on the form of public notice

Satzung zur Anpassung örtlicher Satzungen an

Special use of public streets and squares

Closing Time Ordinance

Entertainment tax statutes

Administrative Fee Schedule

Water supply statutes

Statutes amending the water supply statutes
